Dear SABE members,
Last year the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) organized 12 virtual sessions at the Western Economics Association International (WEAI) annual conference. The sessions included behavioral, experimental, and happiness research. The sessions were well received and attended.
This year we will again be organizing SABE sessions for the WEAI 2022 annual conference.
The WEAI is planning to hold the 2022 annual conference in-person in Portland, Oregon. See (though given the on-going COVID-19 pandemic it is of course possible that the conference will be virtual).
If you would like to present a paper, please complete the following submission form by Friday, January 21, 2022: click this link for submission form.
If you would like to propose a session, please email by FRIDAY, 1/21/22, with the following:
- session title,
- paper titles,
- abstracts,
- and lists of all authors (with affiliations & email addresses).
Please do NOT send your paper or session directly to WEAI if you submit a paper or session for a SABE session at the WEAI annual conference through me.
Thank you!
John Ifcher
Associate Professor of Economics, Santa Clara University