Dear Colleagues,
Routledge is reviving their Routledge Advances in Behavioral Economics and Finance series. The series consists of two types of books. Routledge hardcover books range in length from 60,000 to 130,000 words, and includes research monographs, edited volumes, conference or workshop volumes, and Ph.D. dissertations conversions. Routledge Focus are 20,000 to 40,000 word books. They include extended essays, expanded case studies, and in general books longer than a single research paper but shorter than a standard book. Both formats are also published in paperback format 18 to 24 months after the initial publication date. Routledge will also publish some books in paperback format from the outset. Paperback books are generally in the range of 60,000 to 100,000 words. Topics, regardless of book format, can be anything in the field of behavioral economics. Topics can come from some of the major public policy issues including health care, education, poverty, income and/or wealth distribution, productivity, macro stability, and immigration, to name but a few. Or books about current or earlier behavioral economists. As a behavioral economist your research agenda is a topic of interest to Routledge.
I promise a quick response time.
If you are interested then please send me a proposal to
Roger Frantz
Editor, Routledge Advances in Behavioral Economics and Finance
Editor, Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy