CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Funding for Workshops 2020

Dear SABE Members,

The Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) is happy to announce that we will devote 7,500 USD to fund workshops on Behavioral Economics, to be held in 2020.

Proposals (2-3 pages) should include:

  • Organizers and host institution
  • Tentative guest speakers
  • Dates, venue, etc.
  • The link to the offical website of the workshop (if available)
  • Amount of money requested and rationale (SABE will fund no more than USD 3,000 per workshop)
  • Specify the activities that will benefit PhD students

Timeline of the call:

  • Proposals should be submitted to no later than December 15
  • Successful applicants will be contacted no later than January 15

Further Information:

  • All information can be retrieved in the attached file
  • For informal inquiries, please also use the above email

Also, please forward the call to everyone who might be interested.

Looking forward to your proposals

Shabnam Mousavi
SABE President

Alexis Belianin
SABE Executive Director

Behnud Mir Djawadi
SABE Secretary

Axel Sonntag
SABE workshop coordinator

Impact essay award for students: a joint SABE-TFI initiative

In line with the mission and vision of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) and in collaboration with the Think Forward Initiative (TFI) a student essay award is initiated to promote the engagement of advanced students in societal enhancement activities, and to disseminate their relevant research at its early stages to the society. This SABE-TFI award intends to encourage junior researchers to write a short IMPACT ESSAY of 1,000-1,200 words based on their academic research that is accessible to general public, and to help them promote their work beyond academia.

Call for Interest in Organizing SABE Session at the ASSA 2020 in San Diego

Dear colleagues,

the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) seeks for a researcher to organize the SABE session at the Allied Social Sciences Associations (ASSA) meeting in 2020. The ASSA is a three-day meeting organized by the American Economic Association (AEA) in conjunction with 58 associations in related disciplines that takes place each January to present papers on general economics topics. In 2020 the meeting will take place in San Diego, CA (January 3-5, San Diego Marriott Marquis & Marina).

The ASSA meeting is very prestigious and therefore of significant importance to SABE. The SABE sessions organized by our members Shoshana Grossbard in 2018 and by Hernán Bejarano/Mariana Blanco in 2019 can be found here and here.

If you are interested in organizing the SABE Session with the focus on Behavioral Economics please send your CV and a short letter of motivation to by March 30, 2019. In your letter of motivation you should state your ideas about the topic you would like to cover, about possible contributors, and which studies you are aiming to include in the according SABE Session. Responses to applicants will be sent no later than April 15, 2019.

Please forward this email to scholars who might be interested in this call for interest.

Looking forward to your application.

Shabnam Mousavi
SABE President

Alexis Belianin
SABE Executive Director

SABE Session at the ASSA conference in Atlanta

Dear Colleagues,

The following SABE session at the ASSA meeting features different aspects and experimental research on social preferences of not WEIRD (Western Educated Industrialized Rich Democracies) populations.  Please see the program below or click the link below to access more information.  Hope to see you!

Best wishes and happy holidays,

Mariana and Hernan

Call For Applications: Funding for workshops 2019

The Society for the Advancement of Behavioral
 Economics (SABE) is happy to announce that 
we will devote USD 5,000 to fund workshops 
on behavioral economics, to be held in 2019.

Proposals (2-3 pages) should include:

  • Organizers and host institution
  • Tentative guest speakers
  • Dates, venue, etc.
  • The link to the official website of the workshop
  • Amount of money requested and rationale (SABE will fund no more than USD 3,000 per workshop)
  • Specify the activities that will benefit PhD students

Timeline of the call:

Proposals should be submitted to no later than November 15
Successful applicants will be contacted no later than November 30

For informal inquiries, please also use the above email.

Shabnam Mousavi
SABE President

Alexis Belianin
Exec. Director

Behnud Mir Djawadi
SABE Secretary

Axel Sonntag
Workshop Coordinator

WEAI 2018 Annual Conference Summary

Summary Description
SABE Sessions at the WEAI 2018 Annual Conference

The 93rd Annual conference of the Western Economic Association International (WEAI) took place in Vancouver, British Columbia from June 26 to 30, 2018. The Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) organized 11 sessions during this conference.

Scholars came from many institutions across the U.S. (Appalachian State University, Carleton College, City College of New York, Eastern Michigan University, Kent State University, Manhattan College, Morningstar, Skidmore College, Santa Clara University, Seattle University, The New School, University of Central Oklahoma, United States Military Academy, Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania) as well as from across the globe (Ariel University, Corvinus University of Budapest, Halle Institute for Economic Research-Germany, Hang Seng Management College, Institut de Science Financier et Actuarielle, Keiai, University, Nanyang Technological University, STATEC Luxembourg, University of Hamburg, University of Innsbruck, University of Magdeburg, University of Newcastle, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, University of Warwick, Vienna University of Economics and Business).

In the 11 sessions, over 39 papers were presented. Session titles included:

  • Honesty, Self-Serving Beliefs, and Deception
  • Field Experiments
  • Cooperation, Public Goods, and Guilt
  • Gender
  • Extensions to the Standard Choice Model
  • Cooperation, Comparisons, and Social Responsibility
  • Happiness, Mood, and Productivity
  • Power, Competition, and Order Effects
  • Markets, Competition, and Information
  • Preferences, Financial Decision-Making, and Decision Architecture
  • Climate, the Environment, and Generational Cohorts

Respectfully Submitted,

John Ifcher
Western U.S. Representative, the SABE
Associate Professor of Economics, Santa Clara University

Call for Papers: JBEP Special Issue on “Heuristics in Organizations and Society”

Herbert Simon Society Presents
International Conference
Heuristics in Organizations and Society

Turin, 13 rd – 14 th December, 2018
Collegio Carlo Alberto

The Herbert Simon Society brings together cognitive scientists, economists, social scientists and philosophers aiming to renew the fundamental concepts of rationality and social action. Starting from the seminal work of Herbert A. Simon in economics, psychology, computer science, organizational theory, philosophy of science, the HSS wishes to tackle the current debate about the crisis of economic and social rationality, the alternative architectures of mind, the mind-brain relations and the simulation of creativity.

  • Send an abstract (up to 800 words) by 29th September 2018
  • Deadline for Conference Registration: 31st October 2018

Paper must be sent to:


For more information: