Dear SABE member,
this announcement is to bring to your attention our upcoming SABE Session at this year’s ASSA/AEA virtual annual meeting:
Sunday 03.01.2021 (3:45pm-5:45pm (EST))
Gahye Jeon (Georgia State University) and her allies put up an impressive paper session on the timely topic of Gender Identity, Expectations, and Labor Market Outcomes.
Hopefully many of you who participate at this event will join the virtual session.
Please find below and on the websites of the ASSA/AEA all further information.
Happy new year to everyone
Best Regards, Behnud
Gender Identity, Expectations, and Labor Market Outcomes
Paper Session
Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021 3:45 PM – 5:45 PM (EST)
Hosted By:
Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics
Gahye Jeon, Georgia State University
Is Female Competitiveness in the Labor and Marriage Markets Influenced by Gender Identity?
Gahye Jeon,Georgia State University
David Ong, Jinan University
Marriage, Children, and Labor Supply: Beliefs and Outcomes
Yifan Gong, University of Western Ontario
Todd Stinebrickner, University of Western Ontario
Ralph Stinebrickner, Berea College
Biased Wage Expectations and Female Labor Supply
Boryana Ilieva, Humboldt University of Berlin
Philipp Eisenhauer, University of Bonn
Peter Haan, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW)
Annekatrin Schrenker, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW)
Georg Weizsäcker, Humboldt University of Berlin
Information and Social Norms: Experimental Evidence on the Labor Market Aspirations of Saudi Women
Ina Ganguli, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Basit Zafar, Arizona State University
Monira Essa Aloud, King Saud University
Sara Al-Rashood, King Saud University
Ernesto Reuben, New York University-Abu Dhabi
Brenden Timpe, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Christopher Taber, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Rebecca Dizon-Ross, University of Chicago
JEL Classifications
- J1 – Demographic Economics
- D8 – Information, Knowledge, and Uncertainty