SABE Monk Prayogshala Workshop on BehExEco

Monk Prayogshala (Mumbai), in association with the Richard Thaler Center for Behavioural Economics at the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE, Pune) is proud to announce its Workshop on Behavioural and Experimental Economics to be held on 2nd to 3rd April, 2018 at the GIPE campus in Pune, Maharashtra, India. We are grateful to the Society for Advancement of Behavioural Economics (SABE) for sponsoring this workshop.

Behavioural science is fast emerging as a versatile area of scientific knowledge with wide applications. As evidenced by contemporary research in behavioural and experimental economics, there is a steady push toward incorporating behavioural science in resolving various policy issues (particularly in developing countries such as India), addressing organizational challenges, and enhancing our understanding of economic behaviour. This workshop aims to equip participants with the foundational principles of behavioural economics, toolkits to address relevant research problems, and the critical ability to apply lessons from behavioural sciences to diverse areas in policy and organizational issues.

Speakers at our workshop include:

  • Prof. Dilip Soman, Rotman School of Business, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Prof. Sujoy Chakravarty, Centre for Economic Studies & Planning,
  • Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
  • Dr. Pawan Bakhshi, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, New Delhi
  • Dr. Neela Saldanha, Centre for Social and Behaviour Change,
  • Ashoka University, Sonepat (TBC)
  • Vivek Balaraman, Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Research Dev. & Design Centre, Pune

We invite applications from Undergraduate students, Postgraduate students, MPhil students, PhD students, professionals or faculty pursuing research or practice with some background in economics/psychology/public policy.

For further details, please:

Call for Papers: Early Career Researchers Workshop

VI SABE Early Career Researchers Workshop
in association with the SABE-IAREP 2018 conference


SABE traditionally offers young researchers an opportunity to present their research in front of the experienced academics (mentors) in the field of experimental and behavioural economics and psychology.

The IV ECR workshop shall be organized in association with the of forthcoming SABE-IAREP 2018 conference on 18 July 2018 at Middlesex University London, UK (prior to the beginning of the main conference).

Alexis Belianin (chair), Mark A. Pingle, Lara Ezquerra

Who is eligible and how to apply

  • Who is eligible: PhD students, postdocs and tenure-track researchers in the first academic year of their career.
  • How to apply: Submit a paper to the main SABE-IAREP conference and in addition, a separate letter of intent confirming your status, title and abstract of the paper you would like to present (not necessarily the one you have submitted to the conference). To submit a letter of intent please go to the SABE-IAREP submission page, in TOPICS scroll down till you find “Letters for ECR”. Submission of the letter of intent is due by Wednesday February 28, 2018, 23:59 Greenwich time.
  • Acceptance: Acceptance to the ECR workshop is not related to acceptance to the main conference. Authors of accepted papers shall be notified by Tuesday March 20, 2018 and should prepare a short version of her paper (up to 7,000 words, excluding appendices) for mentor’s review.
  • Venue and logistics: ECR workshop shall take place on the premises of the main conference at Middlesex University. Arrival and lodging during the workshop is the participants’ responsibility. There is no separate fee for the workshop over the main SABE-IAREP participants fee.

How does it work

Mentors shall be selected by the ECR workshop organisers, from among the senior SABE-IAREP participants and speakers. The workshop lasts for the whole day, with coffee and lunch break for the workshop participants. Each ECR presented for 10 minutes, followed by the 10-minutes mentor comments and 10 minutes for discussion.

Workshop participants may be offered priority treatment to additional training programs during the main conference, including a how-to-publish workshop.

Questions and queries: can be addressed to workshop organizer Alexis Belianin (


Special issue on Behavioral interventions: Practitioners informing Academics

Call for papers

The Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) jointly with the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP) will celebrate their annual meeting at Middlesex University London in July, 19-22, 2018.

Speakers list includes Colin Camerer, Joe Herbert, Elke Weber, Dean Karlan and Dave Rand.

More information is available at

There is an special session for practitioners running interventions/experiments outside academia (but also academic people collaborating with consultancy firms or the Cabinet, etc). This session will be focused on research with clear policy implications.

Special issue at the JBEP

Selected papers from the conference will be published in a special issue of the JBEP (published in March 2019). Antonio Espin and Pablo Branas will be the guest editors of the special issue. Note that JBEP publishes short but informative papers (see the statement).


To submit a paper for the session on “practitioners” please visit the “call for paper” webpage (please, select the topic “practitioners” into the input field “topics”). Only papers submitted for the conference will be considered for the JBEP special issue.


Feb 28, 2108


Thank you so much for your interest,

Prof. Pablo Brañas and Dr. Antonio Espin
Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy Guest Editors

SABE IAREP 2018 Awards

SABE / IAREP offer three awards to encourage participation in the 2018 Conference in London. These awards are addressed to PhD students and established researchers.

SABE, IAREP and Elsevier (the publisher of the Journal of Economic Psychology and the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics) sponsors these awards:

  • Elsevier Best PhD Student Paper Competition: The Best PhD Student Paper Competition is a highlight of each IAREP / SABE conference.
  • IAREP PhD Student Conference Fee Waiver Program 2018: This new program covers the student early registration fee (300 GBP) for up to five PhD students.
  • Author Award 2018, Journal of Economic Psychology: This award confers the amount of 1,000 Euro to a conference presenter who also has published a paper in the Journal of Economic Psychology in 2017.

View more details

Call for Papers: SABE-WEAI 2018 Vancouver

Deadline Friday Jan 12th !!!

Last year the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) organized 17 sessions at the Western Economics Association International (WEAI) annual conference. The sessions included behavioral, experimental, and happiness research.  The sessions were well received and attended.

This year we will again be organizing SABE sessions at WEAI annual conference.  The 2018 WEAI Annual Conference will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 26-30, 2018 (see for additional details regarding the conference).

If you would like to present a paper please complete the following submission form by Friday, January 12, 2018

If you would like to propose a session please email me ( by January 12, 2018 with the following information:

  • session title,
  • paper titles,
  • abstracts,
  • and lists of all authors (with affiliations, email, and mailing addresses).

Note: Please do NOT send your paper or session directly to WEAI if you submit a paper or session through me.

Routledge Advances in Behavioral Economics and Finance

Dear Colleagues,

Routledge is reviving their Routledge Advances in Behavioral Economics and Finance series. The series consists of two types of books. Routledge hardcover books range in length from 60,000 to 130,000 words, and includes research monographs, edited volumes, conference or workshop volumes, and Ph.D. dissertations conversions. Routledge Focus are 20,000 to 40,000 word books. They include extended essays, expanded case studies, and in general books longer than a single research paper but shorter than a standard book. Both formats are also published in paperback format 18 to 24 months after the initial publication date. Routledge will also publish some books in paperback format from the outset. Paperback books are generally in the range of 60,000 to 100,000 words. Topics, regardless of book format, can be anything in the field of behavioral economics. Topics can come from some of the major public policy issues including health care,  education, poverty, income and/or wealth distribution, productivity, macro stability, and immigration, to name but a few. Or books about current or earlier behavioral economists. As a behavioral economist your research agenda is a topic of interest to Routledge.

I promise a quick response time.

If you are interested then please send me a proposal to

Roger Frantz
Editor, Routledge Advances in Behavioral Economics and Finance
Editor, Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy

Workshop proposals: Selected events

In response to the call for workshop proposals, SABE received 16 very strong proposals, all outlining plans for high quality workshops in line with the aims of SABE, making the selection process a very competitive and tough one.

Following an objective assessment of each proposal by SABE’s workshop panel (along the criteria outlined in the call for proposals), SABE is very pleased to announce the winners, all of which SABE can devote – at least some – funding to.

In total SABE is able to grant a total of $8000 to the following successful proposals:

  • “Workshop on Behavioural and Experimental Economics”, Monk Prayogshala, Mumbai, India
  • “Winter Experimental Social Science Institute Workshop”, New York University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
  • “TAPMI-MPIB-SOTON Winter School on Bounded Rationality”, Manipal, India
  • “Promoting​​ ​​Behavioral​​ ​​and​​ ​​Experimental Economics​​ ​​in​​ ​​Latin​​ ​​America”, Bogota, Colombia
  • “Workshop on Psychological Game Theory: Emotions and Economic Theory”, Otranto, Italy

Despite not being able to fund all high quality proposals, we would like to thank all applicants for their submissions and would like to strongly encourage them to apply to future SABE calls.