Introduction to Part 1
JBEP 2(1) introduction (197 kB)
JBEP Editor
Part 1
The Economic Psychology of Gabriel Tarde: Something new for behavioral economics? (104 kB)
Ivan Ajdukovica, Sylvain Max, Rodolphe Perchot, Eli Spiegelman -
James Duesenberry as a practitioner of behavioral economics (94 kB)
Ken McCormick -
G. L. S. Shackle’s introspective behavioral economics (83 kB)
Peter E. Earl -
Harvey Leibenstein, and an anomaly called X-Efficiency (121 kB)
Roger Frantz -
Hyman Minsky and behavioral finance (87 kB)
Steven Pressman -
Tibor Scitovsky as behavioral economist (86 kB)
Marina Bianchi -
The rise of behavioral economics: Richard Thaler’s misbehaving (91 kB)
Cass R. Sunstein
Introduction to Special Issue
JBEP 2(1) Introduction 2 (151 kB)
JBEP Editor
Special Issue. Nudges and Heuristics
Misconceptions about nudges (116 kB)
Cass R. Sunstein -
What do heuristics have to do with policymaking? (151 kB)
Shabnam Mousavi -
Towards a living theoretical spine for (behavioural) economics (96 kB)
Gigi Foster -
Salience, chains and anchoring Reducing complexity and enhancing the practicality of behavioural economics (116 kB)
Brendan Markey-Towler -
Feeding the behavioral revolution: Contributions of behavior analysis to nudging and vice versa (100 kB)
Carsta Simon, Marco Tagliabue -
Nudge, Boost, or Design? Limitations of behaviorally informed policy under social interaction (96 kB)
Samuli Reijula, Jaakko Kuorikoski, Timo Ehrig, Konstantinos Katsikopoulos, Shyam Sunder -
Can nudges affect students’ green behaviour? A field experiment (1 MB)
Ajla Cosic, Hana Cosic, Sebastian Ille

Books review
Cass Sunstein: Human agency and behavioral economics. Nudging fast and slow. (69 kB)
Roger Frantz