Call for papers
The Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) jointly with the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP) will celebrate their annual meeting at Middlesex University London in July, 19-22, 2018.
Speakers list includes Colin Camerer, Joe Herbert, Elke Weber, Dean Karlan and Dave Rand.
More information is available at
There is an special session for practitioners running interventions/experiments outside academia (but also academic people collaborating with consultancy firms or the Cabinet, etc). This session will be focused on research with clear policy implications.
Special issue at the JBEP
Selected papers from the conference will be published in a special issue of the JBEP (published in March 2019). Antonio Espin and Pablo Branas will be the guest editors of the special issue. Note that JBEP publishes short but informative papers (see the statement).
To submit a paper for the session on “practitioners” please visit the “call for paper” webpage (please, select the topic “practitioners” into the input field “topics”). Only papers submitted for the conference will be considered for the JBEP special issue.
Feb 28, 2108
Thank you so much for your interest,
Prof. Pablo Brañas and Dr. Antonio Espin
Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy Guest Editors