Dear SABE members,

this announcement is to bring to your attention our upcoming SABE Session at the 2025 ASSA/AEA annual meeting in San Francisco (California, USA):

Friday, Jan. 3, 2025 (8:00am-10:00am PST) at Parc 55, Conference Room Powell II

Kristen Cooper (University of California-Los Angeles and Gordon College) and her allies put up an impressive paper session about different facets of happiness and well-being.

Hopefully many of you who participate at this event will join the session.

Please find below and on the websites of the ASSA/AEA all further information.

Best Regards, Behnud

From Happiness Data to Behavioral Economics

Paper Session

Friday, Jan. 3, 2025 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM (PST)

Parc 55, Powell II

Hosted By: Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics

  • Chair:Kristen Cooper, University of California-Los Angeles and Gordon College

Happiness Dynamics, Reference Dependence, and Motivated Beliefs in U.S. Presidential Elections

Collin B. Raymond, Cornell University
Miles S. Kimball, University of Colorado-Boulder and NBER
Jiannan Zhou, Shandong University
Junya Zhou, University of Texas-Dallas
Fumio Ohtake, Osaka University
Yoshiro Tsutsui, Kyoto Bunkyo University

Welfare and the Act of Choosing

B. Douglas Bernheim, Stanford University
Kristy Kim, University of California-Berkeley
Dmitry Taubinsky, University of California-Berkeley

What Do People Want?

Kristen Cooper, University of California-Los Angeles and Gordon College
Daniel J. Benjamin, University of California-Los Angeles
Ori Heffetz, Cornell University and Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Miles S. Kimball, University of Colorado-Boulder and NBER
Tushar Kundu, Columbia University

Observed Choice versus Stated Satisfaction: Evidence from a Social Preferences Experiment

John Ifcher, Santa Clara University

Homa Zarghamee, Barnard College

Kristen Cooper, University of California-Los Angeles and Gordon College
Daniel J. Benjamin, University of California-Los Angeles
Dmitry Taubinsky, University of California-Berkeley
Collin B. Raymond, Cornell University
JEL Classifications
  • D9 – Micro-Based Behavioral Economics