Dear all,

We are writing to announce (1) a Workshop, (2) a Graduate Student Summer School on the topic of Psychological Game Theory:

Psychological Game Theory is a formal framework for studying strategic interaction when players have belief-dependent motivations. The framework was first introduced by Geanakoplos, Pearce & Stacchetti (1989, GEB) and further developed by Battigalli & Dufwenberg (2009, JET). It has proved useful in modelling intentions-based reciprocity (the pioneer application, due to Rabin 1993, AER), emotions (e.g. anger, guilt, regret, disappointment, anxiety) and concern with others’ opinion (e.g. social respect).

The topic of the 2018 edition of the Psy-Games Workshop & Summer School will be “Modeling Emotions with Economic Theory”.

3rd Workshop on Psychological Game Theory

25-27 July 2018, Atrium Kircherianum, Soleto (Apulia, South of Italy)

Keynote speakers:

  • Pierpaolo Battigalli  (Bocconi University)
  • Gary Charness  (University of California Santa Barbara)
  • Giorgio Coricelli (University of California Los Angeles)
  • Martin Dufwenberg  (University of Arizona & University of Gothenburg)
  • Werner Güth (LUISS Rome & Max Planck Institute Bonn)
  • Christian Ruff  (University of Zúrich)
  • Marie-Claire Villeval  (University of Lyon)

Call for papers:

  • To submit a paper for the workshop email a pdf of the abstract or full paper to by 30th April 2018.
  • Maximum number of attendants: 40 presenters.
  • The workshop fee is 200 €.

The Workshop has received funding by SABE (Society for the Advancement in Behavioural Economics) and IAREP (International Association for Research in Economic Psychology).

SABE/IAREP Summer School on Behavioural Game Theory: Psychological Games

23-25 July 2018, Atrium Kircheerianum, Soleto (Apulia, South of Italy)

Taught by:

  • Giuseppe Attanasi  (University of Lille)
  • Pierpaolo Battigalli  (Bocconi University)
  • Giorgio Coricelli (University of California Los Angeles)
  • Martin Dufwenberg  (University of Arizona & University of Gothenburg)
  • Werner Güth (LUISS Rome & Max Planck Institute Bonn)
  • Christian Ruff  (University of Zurich)
  • Alec Smith (Virginia Tech)

The summer school will entail a mixture of lectures and students’ presentations. Lectures will cover fundamental results in psychological game theory, specific models of preferences (e.g. guilt-aversion, reciprocity, anger), experimental tests, cognitive measures and applications. Students working on related research will present and receive feedback. Students will be invited to attend (free of charge) the workshop on psychological games if they wish.

  • The summer school costs 200 €.
  • Maximum number of attendants: 40 graduate students.

To apply for the summer school email by 30th April 2018.

SABE / IAREP scholarships

10 SABE/IAREP scholarships of 400 € each are available. In particular:

  • 5 scholarships (especially meant for Graduate students in Behavioural Economics) funded by SABE (Society for the Advancement in Behavioural Economics)
  • 5 scholarships (especially meant for Graduate students in Economic Psychology) funded by IAREP (International Association for Research in Economic Psychology)

How to apply

To apply for a scholarship email the following to by 30th April 2018.

  1. A letter of motivation
  2. A one page CV
  3. A reference letter from your advisor

We are looking forward to having you join us in the South of Italy this summer!

Giuseppe Attanasi, Pierpaolo Battigalli, Martin Dufwenberg & Amrish Patel

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